Course Outlines

Course Information

To access the course outlines, including a brief overview of the course, evaluation information, expectations, and procedures, click the course title links below. 

English Language Arts 30

Welcome to English Language Arts 30. I hope you will bring a sense of curiosity as we dive into themes that have relevance to our lives! The whole purpose of ELA is to:

  1. think critically about stories/texts, our own lives, and the world in order to better understand the human condition and learn more about ourselves 
  2. develop our ability to make ourselves known to others—aka, express ourselves. 

Students will explore a variety of themes and texts in this course to achieve the above goals. See a breakdown of this in the course outline below. 

English Language Arts 30 Course Outline

Social Studies 30

Welcome to Social Studies 30. This course is designed to explore perspectives on ideology. In this course, you will explore the origins, complexities, and impacts of ideologies. You will examine and articulate your own personal and political ideology, and examine how people use ideologies as a filter or frame by which they see the world. We will explore how ideologies are shaped by and in turn, continue to shape an individual's beliefs about human nature, beliefs about the structure of society, interpretations of the past, and vision for the future. In addition, a focus will be placed on examining multiple perspectives regarding the principles of classical and modern liberalism. An analysis of various political and economic systems will serve as the foundation from which to assess the viability of the principles of liberalism currently at work in our world. 

Social Studies 30-1 Course Outline

Social Studies 30-2 Course Outline

English 20

Welcome to English Language Arts 20. I am so very excited that you are here and that we have the opportunity to journey through this semester together. We are going to explore and dive into themes that have relevance and meaning to our lives. I encourage you to be curious about the ideas we are going to explore and create together. We will be critically thinking about the universality of the human condition-- about how compassion plays a crucial role in perception. About how fear can influence us and shape us. About how, depending on how we pursue them, our ambition, desires, and goals can lead to the attainment of opportunity and prosperity or conversely, tragedy in our lives and in the lives of others. 

English 20 is designed with a clear scope and sequence in mind. Unit 1 focuses on practicing and refining fundamental skills including annotating for bigger ideas and developing questions that push us deeper into the texts. In this unit, we will explore the ways in which individuals respond to constraining circumstances with an emphasis on the experiences of women and immigrants. Unit 2 explores the concept of maintaining hope despite challenging circumstances as well as the influence of faith and philosophy in the novel Life of Pi. Unit 3, a study of Macbeth, presents a cautionary tale of a lack of integrity and selfishness. Ultimately, the goal is to explore the ways in which not only characters in books are motivated, be it by fear, conviction, or selfishness, but also how WE as individuals are motivated and how these motivations have a REAL impact on our lives. 

Therefore, we are going to be relying heavily on MBAL to help us see these connections. We will be thinking about how a mindset leads to a behaviour/action OR how a behaviour/action leads to a change in life. 

Mindset → Behaviour/Action  OR Action/Behaviour → Change in Life 

English 20 Course Outline

Social Studies 20

Welcome to Social Studies 20. This course is designed to explore perspectives on nationalism, arguably the most important global phenomenon of the 19th century and factor in shaping our current geopolitical boundaries. In more current events, we have seen a resurgence of discussion around the term. In this course, you will examine historical and contemporary understandings of nationalism in Canada and the world. You will explore the origins of nationalism as well as the impacts of nationalism on individuals and communities. Examples of nationalism, ultranationalism, supranationalism, and internationalism will be examined from multiple perspectives. Ultimately, by the end of the course, you will be responsible for developing and articulating a personal and civic response to current and emergent issues related to nationalism.

Social Studies 20-1 Course Outline

Social Studies 20-2 Course Outline

English 10

Welcome to English Language Arts 10. I am so very excited that you are here and that we have the opportunity to journey through this semester together. We are going to explore and dive into themes that have relevance and meaning to our lives. I encourage you to be curious about the ideas we are going to explore and create together. We will be critically thinking about the universality of the human condition-- about the impact of injustice, the courage of conviction, the role of family, the experience of loss, love and loyalty, ambition and contentment. 

English 10 is designed with a clear scope and sequence in mind. Unit 1 focuses on practicing and refining fundamental skills including annotating for bigger ideas and developing questions that push us deeper into the texts. In this unit, we will explore the courage of conviction needed to address injustice through the play 12 Angry Men. Unit 2 explores the concept of “home” and the role of love in family relationships through a visual text called The Secret Path as well as a film called The Farewell. In this unit, we will also explore loss, and the impact it has on an individual. In Unit 3, we will explore love in the romantic sense through Romeo and Juliet. Unit 4 provides an introduction to authoritarianism and power through Animal Farm by George Orwell. Other shorter texts (short stories and poems) will be scattered throughout these units. Ultimately, the goal is to explore the ways in which not only characters in books are motivated but also how WE as individuals are motivated and how these motivations have a REAL impact on our lives. 

English 10 Course Outline

Language Arts 9

Welcome to English Language Arts 9. Have you thought, I mean really thought about the power of story in our lives? Why is it that we struggle to stay focused when we are doing our homework, or having a conversation with a friend, and yet, most of us can sit down and be completely focused and engaged for hours and hours on end as we binge watch the latest Netflix original? Or watch all 18 marvel movies in the order they were released over the span of one month just to prepare for Infinity Wars? For some of us, we become so absorbed in a story that we devour the newest book in our favourite series in one day. This speaks to the power of STORY to engage us in our lives.

Imagine someone approached you and wanted to make your life story into a movie. This is exactly what happened to Donald Millar, which he documents in his book “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.” Would your movie be interesting? Boring? Is your movie going somewhere? Does it have an interesting plot? Characters that face conflict and through it, learn, grow, and improve? What story is your life telling? Is it the one you want it to? 

The best story ever told is recorded in the Word of God. God is weaving together an incredible story, and He is inviting us and calling us to step into the special role He has designed especially for us. Have you stepped into it? 

To summarize the purpose of LA: 

  1. Think critically about story
  2. Understand the human condition
  3. Learn more about ourselves
  4. Make ourselves known to others 

Language Arts 9 Course Outline


Art 10/20/30

Welcome to Art 10/20/30. These courses are designed to introduce and build upon foundational skills in drawing, composition, and encounters. 

Art 10/20 (3 credits)- The focus in Art 10/20 will be to develop and refine sketching (pencil, charcoal), watercolor painting technique, and soft pastel skills. The course will cover the concepts of line, shape, pattern, color theory, value, gradient, perspective, pointillism and movement. Specific artists and art movements will also be covered. Students will critically analyze their own works and the works of others. 

Art 30 (5 credits)- Art 30 will focus in more fully on the concepts introduced in Art 10/20. Students will be exposed to works of well-known artists and movements (i.e. Van Gogh and Impressionism) and experiment using these techniques. More attention will also be given to developing the student’s own artistic style. It should be noted that students in Art 30 must complete several independent projects in order to receive the additional 2 credits they require to make this a 5-credit course. 

For a breakdown of the units in art this year, please see the course outline below. 

Art 10/20/30 Course Outline